Hello every one and sorry for being late. I have two good reasons for that. First, I was enjoying a frikking blast gig show performance this night (and just came home). And second, I'm going to have my high school graduation party tomorrow so I won't be able to offer you guys a blog tomorrow since I'm going to party like an animal all day long. So this pic is like the photograph of Friday and Saturday. There is Teemu (or Ölmö, or Duumi, or whatever you like to say) picking roses, that he had just thrown into air, from the ground. As you might guess, we were shooting some posing pictures relating to our graduation. I shot Ölmö and he shot me. It was a nice deal and at least I'm superveryglad how the pictures turned out. So thank you very much my friend :-)
Graduation - like Kanye
Dem expenditures
Bus stop
Maybe it's time to continue our story..
Okey, when a true man is tired of all the dancing and partying, eveything he need is a kebab. So our crew migrated to the most near by Turkish cuisine eatery and Martti & Niki ordered themselves an Iskender. Here are the boys enjoying their nocturnal meal. (Notice how much faster Niclas is with his kebab while Martti is enjoying slowly.) After this, maybe it's time to end our epic story.
Lazy Sunday
So the underlying reason for our photoshoot was this: http://www.konaworld.com/08_contest.htm. We all love Kona, don't we? So thumbs up and let's hope Kona dudes fancy our pics :-)
It's kind of sad how the way we live isn't enough for everyone. Some aim higher - or at least they try. Luckily with lousy outcome. Just keep on hanging (like this antenna).
The picture itself is from the same roll of reversal film as the rest (reversal film) pictures. It's our neighbours antenna and somewhat sky on a windy day.
Love hotel
Shoot the ride!
Something a bit different today. We we're shooting with my friend Joni ''ROCsport'' Luomanen in the forest. Joni was blazing the trails with his Santa Cruz while I took some snaps with my Nikon. Shooting XC-riding wasn't one of those things I usually do, but as I enjoyed it so much today, it just might be from now on. It was quite like shooting snowboards except it wasn't cold and I didn't have to fight my way through snow just to adjust the flash. The underlying reason for our photoshoot will remain secret for a couple of days - isn't this exciting! More fast & furious pics coming soon.
Fuck umbrella
Last night we had this little sombrero-thingie when we went to party to the club. It was quite fun. But it sucked to walk back home, mostly because it rained quite heavily. Believe it or not, but the sombrero covers pretty nice from the rain. And oh, I don't know who is this mexican gentleman.
And oh (part II), this mexico-thingie is so stolen from the Jyväskylä dudes! >:-D
Wappulounas oh boy
As said before, Wappulounas (at Ruka) was a blast. Five days of chillin', snowboardin' and partyin'. What else do you need to solemnize the 1st of May? And finally I got the roll of film I shot there. Here's a pic from the snowman-jam. One of the greatest guys ever performing a stunt at the background. Yup, it's our very own Petja. Gotta love it<3
So after we get to the Pub Lordi, Niclas and Martti order their drinks and we sit down. The atmosphere goes suddenly cold as we sit there surrounded by the locals. We were like three zebras in the middle of a circle of lions. We heard roaring. In this picture Niclas tries to defend himself from the attack of a lion who thought he knew everything but at the end knew nothing. We left the pub quickly.
Legalize my bmx
Story continues
Phew, my days are getting quite boring and monotonic. I go to work at 0900 and I'm back home after six o'clock. Then I'm too tired to do anything exciting. Maybe that's why some think that rhythm of my blog has chilled. Well, this day seemed no different from the others until at 20.00 Niclas from Punavuori called me that he's coming to Tampere with Känni-Martti. Nice - finally something to cheer my life up. And that it truly was. At first we went to a shitty pub called 'Pub Lordi'. Niclas and Martti drank drinks there and then we left - before the developing showdown. From there we travelled to a new club in Hämeenkatu called 'Love Hotel' - yeesh! Seemed like our place. After half an hour Martti threw up. That didn't slow us down 'cause we demonstrated who is who on the dance floor. We saw the most red running shoes in Tampere - at least that's what the guy said. We danced till half past two in the morning until we got kicked out because Niclas got a bit too excited. This pic is at the beginning of our trip. Niclas takes a picture of Martti hiding behind the tulips. More funny pics coming. Thank you Niclas. Thank you Martti.
Ps. I'll might write my blogs in English from now on. Just because this way I can keep up my English easily. So get used to it.
Tylsä kuva
Woi pojat
Nyt on sitten Wappulounaat lounastettu ja kotiin selvitty. Tällaisten reissujen jälkeen alkaa arvostamaan arjen pikku askareita; kuten hampaiden pesua, lämmintä teetä aamulla sekä omaa sänkyä. Toipumiseen menee kyllä useampi päivä, sillä reissu oli aika sekava. Kaikki ihmiset siellä oli sekavia. Se oli hienoa. Kuva kertoo meiningistä hieman. Tosin jäävuoren huippuhan tuokin vasta on. Siinä ollaan nähdäkseni jatkoilla meidän huoneessa kai perjantai-illan jälkeen. Pistellään maukkaimpia otoksia vaikka tänne tai jonnekin jahka saan ne katsottua. Jatkakaa...