

Today a lot of snow. All bitches hidin'.



I've got 15 euros of money and I'd have to survive with it the whole weekend (including two nights in the club). I'm in trouble. Maybe I should seek some change from the park meters like this guy..

2nd view



Oldies. They are everywhere. Blocking my way. All the time.


Congratulations me! This is the 365th post of this lousy blog. A full year of photos, that's cool. Thank you all you viewers. Lets end this 'year' with this old grandma in sunshine and begin a new one tomorrow with something else. Don't worry, it'll be the same shit however..


On nom nom

I've been really hungry today. That's it, that's all.


Me looking stupid

He he! I promised that no more this shit, but hey here it is back again since audience wanted some more! This is a self-portrait of me 0,02 seconds before hitting the water. Funny :-)



At the moment, I'm waiting for tonight's gig to start. When I took this photo in the church, this man was waiting the beginning of a wedding.


While others dance their way through, others struggle to take even one step. Oh how poetic.


Dem Tuesdays

It has been a very long day (in a negative way). Even the shadows were extra long today.


Today, I bought some cherry coke

Today was again one really lazy-ass Sunday, although it was Monday. It all feels the same when you don't have anything to do. At least it was a lovely sunny day once again.


something black and hairy above ur lips

I had another wedding gig last weekend. Do you know what is the best thing about shooting such family parties - the moustache relatives. Oh boy, I've been admiring all those fabulous whiskers people have been carrying. This fabulous hairylicious beauty is from last Saturday. Taken with lensbaby 2.0.

Share the love

Happy Valentine's day! Remember to share the love<3


Upside down

Last of the underwater photos, that's a promise.



I had an exam today. It didn't go too well. I don't know what possibly could have gone wrong in my preparation. Maybe it was all those dizzy days, nights and mornings.. Naah, it can't be that.


Okay, this is pretty much same as the photo some time ago, but I don't care since this guy was so hilarious. He was so busy taking photos with his mobile that he didn't notice the carts started to slowly roll away (as he took his hand off of course). It was great, or maybe I'm so tired that everything is funny. Last "night" I went to sleep at 6am. You decide.

Spring photo

I know, it's quite boring photo but hey give me a chance cause we Finns haven't seen the sun for ages :-)


False forecasts

The weather was shit here for the whole weekend and the forecast was predicting that it would continue today as well. Well as I woke up around noon and looked out the window, it was the sweetest spring weather. The surprising feeling was great. Other people were also positively surprised the mystic light appearance.


Sorry, no posts for few days. I was super busy while being in Tampere. Among other things I was taking pictures in a wedding. This is from the afterparty. Grandpa taking it easy by the dancefloor.


Haa, back to the black and white boom! I got back to Tampere for a while today. I'm not that excited about it because within five minutes I got bored. Luckily there's going to be a great party tomorrow with few of my favorite artists performing. And Facebook also reminded me of a very delightful incoming event: Flow festival 09. This is The Roots from Flow 2008.


I'm not that good at planning things. Instead I just do things and see how they go. An efficient visit to the grocery store means planning things. This means lots of visits for me. I've pretty much done a daily trip to this one store nearby, so this view from the escalator is rather familiar to me.


Territory change

First things first, I apologize the lack of my fresh entries. I had some technical issues with my connection and stuff.. But well, now we have a nice fresh picture from Turku. Time here has been nice. I've been quite energetic. So if you don't want to grow up like this lady, you just have to change your surroundings for a while!