
bmx thursday

Four hours of full bmx action today at Signature BMX's ramp. Support the only Finnish bmx shop and buy some god damn stuff right away!


The news are saying that 'summer' would come back in the end of the week. Unfortunately I'm not buying it. It's autumn now...


Man giving away roses on a beautiful morning in central Helsinki.


Seaside breakfast

Today's Nike Running Club took place early in the morning and the beautiful route went by sea. I haven't been awake that early for ages and to be honest it was truly refreshing!


Let's continue with music that will cheer our autumn up, here's some proper hiphop: Elzhi's Elmatic Mixtape!


Dark autumn nights have fallen again. Kind of nice, but I still miss summer. Off to Tampere tomorrow for the weekend - yess!!


Lady from down under

Running in the rain

Tonight's Nike Running Club run was a bit wet... Thank you Finland. Next run on Thursday and I'll be there - pow!


We Run Helsinki

Last wednesday I was shooting a run organized by Nike Running Club. It looked liked a lot of fun (for running) and if I ever happen to lose my mind and start running, events like these would be my favourite kind of running. Next run starts on Monday at 19:00 from Nike Store in Kamppi, and I might be there taking photos also!


all aboard!

Today my workday consisted of men in suits on a huge boat, sushi, profiteroles, gourmetsnacks, wines and fruit plates. It was good though, don't get me wrong.


Today was a good riding day. We were enjoying the last sunny days of late-summer/early-fall at the miniramp. Ps. we didn't go as high as Sergio is going in this photo from Etnies demo but we had fun though =)


Have a nice weekend! I will!