
Glue & Jack today

Lady acting cool in the midst of a demonstration.


Birthday upside-down

Oh yeah, no post yesterday - sorry. It was that time of the month once again.


Hakaniemi today

Maybe the only photo to suit my feelings now.


Long shadows of spring

Time to celebrate - I finally got my washing machine today. It's quite a salvation after a month of living without any laundering. See you at Redrum.


Today was a good day, even the accordion man knew it.

Merihaka trio and the first day of spring


Crumbling back home

Yup, definitely too many jelly shots & mojito icecreams for me yesterday. That all created a very very peculiar and unpredictable night. While the night was messing up my head so many things cleared up. Not complaining though, it all was super.


Oh now Tampere is offering the best it can: dizzyness and funny vibes!

Back to the roots

This is what was greeting me when I arrived at Tampere. A gentleman was friendly escorted out of the train station, while few moments earlier his friends - gentlemen likewise - were escorted not so friendly. They were very wonderful people as I chatted with them at the bus stop. He was from north, I could hear it from the way he spoke.


Fuck you winter. Once again you blew your load on my face. I thought you had enough already?!

Big city life


Turku in 2008

It seems that winter made a comeback today. Luckily I got a film roll containing way old photos from 2008. They made me laugh more than once.


Spring on my mind

In my opinion, winter should be ending tomorrow.

Senssi on fire

More from Friday. Some text and hot pics by some hot guy over here.


I came to Tampere for the weekend to hang out with Petri Nygård. It's funny how I find myself flicking through photos from Helsinki... Am I homesick in my hometown?


Surprise date with Kari

This is Kari. Not the Kari you're used to know though. Kari was a warm fellow, and he thought the same about me. He was willing to offer me a drink near-by in a place called "Man-Street". He was heading there and stopped me cause I was "such a pretty boy". I don't know what Man-Street is exactly, but I've got a good hunch. "Guess what", he said, "I'm gay". "It's alright", I replied. In his opinion, I've got a big heart after saying that.


all eyes on spring

Today with sunshine came the first permitted feelings of spring. Gosh it felt nice!

Welcome Monday!

Angry granny who was suspiciously squinting at my camera in tram.


the hallway lamp

An artsy megaphotograph from yesterday (presumably) taken by me. It sure was a blast. It seems that this apartment is a decent space to listen music out loud, laugh asses off and sing Puerto Rico song.


Tonight's party

Happy birthday me.


We are Helsinki

Helsinki definitely has not a good affection on me as I'm on Wednesday again..

A shot from last week when all what's now water used to be snow in the streets.