
Boring at work

Tools and a lamp.


The line

The border between summer and winter is soon going to be in front of us. It's the moment when all the vivid fades into murk. Let's try to hang on the other side as long as we can, okay?


Time machine

In times like this, I really think that some really intelligent engineer should invent an time machine. It's Sunday evening and at the time being I'm bored to death of my home town's night life. Wish I could be with these fine young men in their wetsuits in the warmth of Labor day sunshine in Lapland...


January, 2008

Sorry for being late again, but very important persons have the right to be late ;-)


Suspicious times

I don't know if it's just me, but to me it seems like that nowadays, after the school shootings in Finland, everyone is looking around and trying to find some kind of clues of a misbehaving that may lead to something tragic. If a young man steps into the bus with combat trousers, headphones and a slick smile, all the grannies grasp their handbags tighter. "I bet he's going to shoot me first." Oh c'mon...



Reality check: 10 + 1 dead. Could this be happening..

No more haters

Of course there are some reminiscents of work that doesn't bring you that much negative vibes. But unfortunately, those are the things you do only on your freetime, at least for the time being. This one is from last Huge (which was a French special) with one of my all time favourites Riku aka Rico Tubbs aka DJ Infekto (the one in purple shirt). There is playing also his partner Sami in the white shirt. It was a great night to photograph - and to party.


More haters

Actually I don't even know whether these people hate theri job or not. Actually I don't even care. At least I would, if I was working in such a colossus.


Haters pt. II

I'm pretty sure that this guy doesn't either like his job that much.

Ps. It was a crazy-ass HUGE! tonight.



Do you hate working? Yeah, so do I and so does these people you're about to see. And special thanks to Lauri for showing me something that makes me hate guys who own way too cool stuff. And yes, Lauri is saying also that the way that guy rides his bike is also perfect, so thanks for that also.


I'd rather

I'd rather be doing something else than running from home to work to home to university to all-kinds-of-places to home. But well at least a big 'holiday' is coming closer and closer day after day...


Memoirs of summer

Last summer was nice. We had a nice, fresh and exciting new project going on. The project ended well and afterwards we we're sure that it would had continuation next summer. But the past summer didn't go as we planned and nowadays I'm feeling a bit sad and frustrated about the project vol. 2 which seems to be stagnating..


boyz n the hood

Something big

Sorry that I'm 'late'. Eki was going big today so I had to stick with him as long as I could.


Lion Milk Power...

... that is what we need for a busy Saturday night. This guy obviously has it.


I wonder

I wonder how does it feel to be a numbered green box sitting at McDonald's on a Thursday evening surrounded by other numbered green boxes?


Before kebab

And what do we do before kebab? Ahhh yes....


It's not all about photography

This is a detail shot of a t-shirt I've made myself. This is all about Cluedo and since the previous one featured Monopoly graphics, I guess this is going to build up as a series of board game inspired t-shirts.



Although Ronald McDonald has a perfect balance in the picture as he's balancing a balloon, I found the picture itself pretty unbalanced. Don't know why. Maybe it's just me.


Time to wash up

Today I took a shower after a hard and tiring weekend, it was gggood. Anyway that is not me, it's Ville taking a shower only because he wanted an excuse to get naked.


Rock on

The summer, and the wedding gigs, are thank God over. They are one stressy situations. You have to succeed with the photos at the first try besides that you are the whole day in a huge hurry. There's no time thinking or brainstorming. My advice is to get to know the pair before the big day. With Sanna and Tuomas (in the pic) we met a couple of times and we checked some places for their picture. We came up with a nice spot and as the wedding day arrived we spent there something like half an hour. Snap, snap, snap and let's go to get wasted.



When the evenings are getting darker, it isn't a bad idea at all to meet up your friends for example in a cafe. You can maybe recap the past summer and meanwhile play Kimble :-)


Lightroom 2 vs. Me 0

Sometimes things just doesn't go like you'd want them to go. Today was one of those moments. Then you have to think your next move. If you don't come up with anything useful, just let it go and do something else.


People going crazy

I just watched an episode of the new Big Brother season in Finland. They've been there less than a week and already acting like crazy monkeys. Tonight's episode included something like three different sexual activities, a fight, a crying homosexual and lots of drinking going on. That's real entertainment, let me tell you that. Nevertheless, the idea of 24/7 monitoring is really scary - scary but supremely entertaining.