
birthday boys

I forgot to mention that I had birthday yesterday. Now you know. We celebrated them in Tampere where was once again Off the Hook club where I've been a residental photographer (kind of). And actually we had triple birthday to party for: Klaus (in the picture) turned god-knows-how-old (he's an old fart), Off the Hook turned three years old and I became a 18-year-old champ at midnight. It was a blasting night. One of the best during these three years!

Check the whole gallery here.


tikari said...

siistit sävyt perkele!
ompa tosiaan monoduokromaattiset tai jotain. jea!"

paljon syntymäpäivä onnea.


Julius said...

Pidän kyllä itsekin. Kiva tehdä asioita (ts. näitä bilekuvia) välillä vähän erilailla eikä aina vaa saturation +10 -kaavalla. Viime kerralla oli vähän saman tyylistä: https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/180080_194851410534414_137665319586357_695963_6174912_n.jpg. Same same but different.

Kiitos paljosti!