
One of the many things I don't understand in Simpel Session, is the girls' interest towards the competition. Why are they there? Watching some sweet ass riding? No way. Trying to get some pro riders in bed? Don't think so. Looking good? Unfortunately. Fuck that, we didn't even have proper seats during the finals because the screaming teen girls. Girls and BMX doesn't fit together, fact!!


Anonymous said...

Well, maybe they don't fit, but - damn - BMX guys are smoking hot.

- One of the not so good looking, but yet screaming girls

Julius said...

Definitely not fitting there. Yeah, it's okay to be there looking pretty until they cross the line and stole our seats. Fuckers!

Anonymous said...

oot hirveä

Julius said...


Kuningatar said...

You have some wise words young man

Anonymous said...

i can see only two girls and the rest are boys. maybe screaming teenage boys but still boys.

Julius said...

then i think you should stop being an irritating anonymous shithead and visit estonia during simpel session :)