
Jesus Christ it's cold here for God's sake..


Rico is more

Enough of the Mo-stuff (though the re-opening parties are still on today also) - this is Rico Tubbs (in the background) and his new mixtape just came out!

Mo is Mo is Mo


Mo is mo

The re-opening of the updated Motellet bar is gonna be on tomorrow night! I was there taking some photos today - looking goooood.


Winter - not my cup of tea

Interior details from the ministry of employment and economy.


sorry about the blueness

Helsinki got shitloads of snow today, and with shitloads I really mean it. People were almost drowning in it. We don't mind, Petri won an Emma award - party time!


Glorious Gloria

This one is from Saturday from the Wappulounas pre-party at Gloria. A band called Birdy, which was one of evenings main performers, performing on the stage with their lovely lead singer. This night was a tremendous amount of fun - can't wait the actual event to take place at Ruka!



Rico Tubbs blasting it in Fredan Tivoli last Friday night!


Barcelona kissing

Spanish sunshine and love calling next month - not complaining!


The Albion

The Albion is the shit! Too bad I left my copy to Tampere :(


Although the weather is pure shit now, come to ease your feelings at Roska tonight and I'll play you some youtube-goodness <3


sunny side

Finland is beginning to show it's worst sides as we move on deeper into the misery of winter. In the same time grows my desperate need to travel to warmer places. Barcelona would be brilliant!

incenses in the night


Evening sessions

Had a great evening session with Jorma at Signature bmx's indoor ramp today. This is not Jorma in the pic, it's Antti footplanting the wall like a wild cowboy!


Helsinki Central Railway Station at 15:18.

Kallio Church, January 2012. The snow is almost gone.


Today we got a dump of snow, now we're only missing the sunshine. Maybe some day. Happy 2012 by the way!