
Crowdsurfing monkey

Still out of words - let the photos speak.


midsummer out of words

It didn't come as a surprise that this midsummer weekend wouldn't be a bummer. But being as monumental as it was, it leaves me completely out of words. On the other hand, it was very physical and lots of rest is needed. No problem, I'm good at sleeping.


From indoors to outdoors

Today we had a good outdoor session with Kake at the miniramp. It was almost as fun as the miniramp sessions indoors with the crew during winter hell. Can't wait to get my new frame and after that it's gonna be a gooooood summer <3


Hello Finland

I love your weather too <3


Monkey business

So.... Festival summer 2011 is on! Great! On Thursday we went to check out our new tour bus for big summer gigs and all i can say it's whopping! Gotta take it easy for this weekend cause mid-summer is just behind the corner.


Dj Mista S in front of awesome visuals by Sellek & Hanks.

More after-bar photos can be viewed here: http://me-naiset.com/?id=177


Ride your bikes people!

I downloaded the Sports Tracker app today and I didn't want to do it vain so of course I had to do a small workout with my bike. Damn it was fun. It's going to be an bicycle active and trackalicious summer for sure!


At the grill

Salo, 4.6.2011, 03:56 am.


Brat & Vitaminwater

Brat Wursti getting some sleep after partying 48 hours straight in Salo and Harjavalta. Me offering him Vitaminwater to cheer him up. I by the way drank about seventeen bottles of that weird life-saving coloured water yesterday at the video shoot of Lord Est's new music video Reggaerekka. Still not feeling like a superman, damn...


Today was a fantastic summer day, I guess. That's what I saw from my window, and actually my curtains were closed. I went out for the first time when sun was setting. Thank you Petri Nygård for making me not able to move from my bed today, haha.


so 2006..

This is one of the first gig photos I've taken, ever. Damn, can't complain :D