
More fear and loathing from Helsinki.


good mornin

Helsinki has started to take it's toll.


I'm drunk in my hotel room in Marski. Let's be quiet so the Helsinki bitches don't get mad.


Helsinki calling

Some of us are very lost here in Tampere. I'm so bold that I'm going to step things up a bit and get lost in Helsinki. Despite all the misfortunes I've had, I think the rest of the week will be super and superb!


cut it

The guys at the mac repair shop we're quite harsh to me. They didn't find it suitable that a computer drinks coke. The repair costs 2163 euros, and a new one 2158 euros...

bitches come lick my mac

A glass of Coke on my mac today, one of the things I recommend you not to do. Fuck Mondays. Though the machine seems to be running miraculously fine!


It was a busy weekend. Most of the time you might have seen me running around with a camera in my other hand and a bottle in the other one. It's always such a pleasure, trust me. Of course it is advisable to help a friend in need!


feeling like hundred bucks

I'm definitely not feeling good at the moment, but what can you expect when you arrive home at 7am. Who is behind all this? Who was the mean person putting all these naughty things into my mouth? Was it me? I think it was me.


that's all we do

It was great two days full of playing around with our small bikes. It was all we did, cause that's what we love. It was very energizing and refreshing, although you wouldn't believe it if you saw my battered essence.


I don't know who is the idiot behind these mannequins but what I sure know that they don't look half as idiomatic as that here in Turku.


reminiscences from better times

Apparently I've been saving this hilarious picture from June because this seems to be the debut of this graceful lady.


my time here is up

just carry me away from this nest of vapidness


magic fingers that create the magic

Last night was a witless bomb - again! This man, Mr. Sany Pitbull, didn't leave the kids at Yo-talo a chance. All they had to do was dance like no tomorrow, and so they did.


it's saturday

check out the ladies


very nice

A very nice weekend coming indeed, not as nice as this jacket was though!


Missing, big time

Let's all hope that this shit ends up well..


let's just try to survive halloween first, shall we

As the escalator slowly tugged me up towards the second floor, my eyes spotted a hideous sight. Bright red boxes stacked up, waiting to get grabbed. Christmas merchandise aka Santa bullshit. Now? It's October for God's sake..



I remember the day I took these preliminary assignment photos like yesterday. Spring was coming and it was strangely bright. I had just came back from my one-month-digression at Turku, and the right soundtrack to those moments was Cut Copy.



It's getting quite too cold to ride outside, and what's even worse is the unbearable darkness that falls way too early. Barcelona (or so) wouldn't be a bad option...



Gregarious animals

Heee, more emus and now in a pair :))) Have a nice weekend!


My friend has a special word to describe this kind of people: emu. Everyone who lives in Tampere is an emu.


...and I had, yeeeaassh!!



Wish I could have few more of these both-thumbs-up-days under the sun.

Remorse post

what a shitty blogger i've been....


agony on wheels

Somehow I like to observe Finns in their agony on a late night bus surrounded by darkness and coldness.