
Watching summery sunset with someone special - how pathetic and clichéd is that..

ps. fuck the skew horizon


Pleasure trips

I know that the hot weather is having an effect on you but please try to behave on public surroundings. This couple obviously didn't know how to behave.


The summer of love '09

It appears that those lonely legs were not that lonely after all :-)


Lonely feet


one (half a) day off

For the past week I've been working like hell, like 24/7 4real.. Yesterday was the first day for ages, I was able to sit down and relax at least for few hours after my day job. The blazing sun was heating up my face while I was sipping my strawberry fizz. God damn it felt good!


2nd post-rain post

If Turkey likes them, then we definitely need more of them!



Red or white? White or red? That's the dilemma we all were facing yesterday. Eventually we all end up taking the clear one..


Chill-out under the sun

Why, oh, why I didn't do it when I had the chance to.


not amused

Fuck this Finnish summer. It should be something like +30 and clear sky, not +7 and horizontal freezing rain on my face. It's not amusing me at all; not even this supercute puppy-kitten-umbrella was able to brighten my mind.


Enough of the indoor feeding! Up, out and to a picnic!



Boring Tuesday

A boring picture of a boring lady because today was a boring Tuesday.



..do they exist?


vol 2

Summer greetings from Finland!



And now the summer is really gone for real. It's five degrees and raining. Not easy for any of us. This man was having his morning meditation in the middle of street yesterday. That seemed an efficient way to escape the reality to a better place.


Season opening

Summer was here for few days. Some of us had the time to enjoy it for a while. Next time it comes back, make sure you enjoy it like never before!


Yesterday my friend went back to Kenya for a month. He was there only 38 minutes, and then the car got hijacked by four armed men. He lost everything, EVERYTHING. That's gotta be the shittiest start ever to such a trip. After this incident, I began to realize how blessed I was during my time there. I was able to meet only the most genuine and warmest people without any hassle.


Speaking of those free birds and caged poultry....

I came across this fine piece of street art today. I was a bit stunned cause I'm not used to see such great works here, shitty city. Big ups for those who made that canarian bird. Hopefully I get more surprises like these.


Sorry that I've been super lame and haven't been posting for ages but I've been mega busy with all the ongoing projects. Just hang on there :-)