
Lack of appreciation

I was sitting in car, minding my own business, when someone said it. "Your blog sucks". This person said that it is contrived and boring. This someone also said that I should quit the whole thing. He might be right. As a protest, I publish today a boring picture of my (so called) friend sweeping slush on me. This certain someone might, or might not, be in the picture.


Party people @ party


Lazy Sunday

At least the sun was shining today.


Polaroid from Kenya, Ngong Hill.


Today is the last HUGE! night. I'm glad it's over... Not really, it was fun :-) This man is the Man behind Huge. In this pic he is the man behind a double exposure.

Unwanted Christmas presents

Not all Christmas presents are good - especially if you try to get some sleep in the mornings..



so much fun

I've always said that cameras are so much fun! For example, you can spend time taking close-up fisheye pictures with your home made ring flash while partying your ass off. Or you can overexpose a film shot of your friend taking a close-up fisheye picture with his home made ring flash while partying your ass off...


Boring random shot from the airport of Nairobi. I've been so lazy with my camera...

Ice Cube, Helsinki 23.7.2008


still black and white

Sometimes I found myself wondering if I'm going to still live in the same hood when I grow up. I hope not. This old couple has lived their whole life here where I live, at least I think so. Cheapy film..


one more

If you're looking for something else than snowboarding in the cold weather today, the place to be in Tampere is YO-talo and Jesse & Ka So Re co-gig.


A promise

I kind of promised to a friend of mine that I would go and visit him this week as I got back from my trip. Not it seems that I have to renege. I'm so sorry. But you he'll get his Christmas present, that's a promise!


More from yesterday. Shadows against the snowy ramp.

Back in black and white!

I got back from my little African trip yesterday. Today was the harsh back-to-reality-day. We went hang out and take some pictures of this little snowboarding session at the ramp. It was really dark and cold and I couldn't feel my toes. The conditions we're very different from those in Africa. But at least I like the pictures, really grainy and black-n-whitish. And it's always fun to see some friends for a long time.


Did you know that those Japanese tourists are everywhere!